Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Jose Castillo, Ph.D.

Co-Major Professor

Linda Raffaele-Mendez, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Robert Dedrick, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Amanda Keating, Ph.D.


family, fathers, intervention, mothers, parenting, qualitative


Child behavior problems are highly prevalent and impactful on the child and their family system, bringing both short-term and long-term consequences (Sanders, 2012). Many risk factors for child behavior problems are modifiable via the use of Behavioral Family Interventions, such as behavioral parent training programs (Kazdin, 1991). Behavioral Family Interventions (BFI) modify factors within the family system to minimize modifiable risk factors and engineer protective factors to produce behavior change (Kazdin, 1991). While several manualized behavioral parenting interventions exist, the Triple P parenting program is one of the most researched and effective programs used internationally, particularly the Level 4 package; Group Triple P (Sanders, 2012; Sanders & James, 1983; Sanders & Morawska, 2007). While Group Triple P has been highly researched for change in child and parent outcomes, it is unclear as to how these outcomes are perceived by participants over time. To date, social validity and aspects of continuing need have not been evaluated via qualitative methods. The goal of this post positivist study was to understand the experiences of parents who have completed a Group Level Triple P course, in particular how parents describe: (a) the social significance of the content and goals of the Group Triple P intervention, (b) the appropriateness of strategies discussed during the Group Triple P intervention in regard to the needs of their family system, (c) changes in their child’s behaviors post-Group Triple P intervention (both in regard to use of the strategies present day and the perceived importance of the intervention) and (d) ongoing or additional challenges that persist or arise post-Group Triple P intervention. Findings suggest participants report support for each prong of social validity, as well as need for additional supports for reoccurring problem behaviors, booster sessions, and additional direct support. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
