Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)

Degree Granting Department

School of Geosciences

Major Professor

Philip P. Van Beynen, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Rebecca Zarger, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Fenda Akiwumi, Ph.D.


ABSTRACTThe Central Asian nation of Tajikistan became independent in 1991. Tajikistan is a mountainous country with a great potential for tourism development. Nevertheless, there are limitations to the development of eco-tourism. I conducted my study to investigate the potential for developing eco-tourism in the eastern part of Tajikistan (the Pamirs). My overarching question was how does eco-tourism relate to the protection of the environment in Pamirs and can it improve the quality of people's lives? To answer this question, I focused on identifying the Best Management Practices (BMP) of eco-tourism in the region and what specific policies, if any, exist pertaining to the development of eco-tourism. To do so I used qualitative and quantitative analyses produced by observation, interviews, and surveys. Although there have been policies instituted regarding the tourism industry, there was a lack of policies specifically related to eco-tourism in the country. Through my research, I found few impacts on the environment other than mining or hunting. Based on the respondents answers and my personal experiences in the area, there are no major pollution issues at tourists sites. My interviews showed that Community Based Eco-Tourism (CBET) can help the region both to raise appreciation of the environment and help the well-being of the local communities. My recommendations for eco-tourism development in the Pamirs are mainly proposing more ambitious projects for the international organizations, more investment in eco-tourism, and creating adequate policies for it.
