Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Degree Granting Department

Religious Studies

Major Professor

Adib Farhadi, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Michael P. DeJonge, Ph.D.

Committee Member

William Schanbacher, Ph.D.


Empowerment, Gender Equality, Health, Education, Poverty


This research explores the often underestimated yet pivotal role of Muslim women in propelling socio-economic development in Nigeria, specifically focusing on the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The primary research question seeks to comprehend the transformative impact of faith-based women-led NGOs, including Ansar-ud- Deen, Nawair-ud-Deen, FOMWAN, and NASFAT, on Muslim women's empowerment and their contribution to SDG1 (extreme poverty), SDG3 (health), SDG4 (education), and SDG5 (gender equality) in Nigeria. Simultaneously, the secondary research question explores successful strategies employed by these organizations in empowering Muslim women, with a keen focus on potential areas for improvement. Incorporating research methodology, including literature reviews, case studies, and historical data, this research constructs a nuanced understanding of the integral role played by Muslim women in these organizations. The major findings underscore that Muslim women actively assume leadership roles, shape organizational landscapes, and significantly contribute to holistic community-centric development. They play instrumental roles in steering income-generating projects, literacy programs, gender equality initiatives, and improving healthcare access. The primary research question findings indicate that Muslim women are active architects of change, bringing a comprehensive approach to socio-economic development, while the secondary research question findings highlight the pivotal role of tailored training programs, cultural sensitivity, and collaborative platforms in enhancing the effectiveness of these NGOs. This research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the broader efforts towardiv achieving sustainable development in Nigeria by spotlighting the specific contributions of Muslim women within these faith-based NGOs.
