
Author Biography

Kristina Straub is Professor of Literary and Cultural Studies at Carnegie Mellon University where she teaches eighteenth-century British studies, performance studies, gender studies, and sexuality studies. She is most recently the author of Domestic Affairs: Intimacy, Eroticism, and Violence Between Servants and Masters in Eighteenth Century Britain (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009). She co-curated “Will & Jane: Shakespeare, Austen, and Literary Celebrity” an exhibition at the Folger Shakespeare Library with Janine Barchas, and is now finishing a new anthology and sourcebook of eighteenth-century drama (with Misty Anderson and Daniel O’Quinn) for Routledge Press. She is embarking with Anderson and O’Quinn on a new anthology for Routledge that will focus on performances on significant nights at the London Theatres


Stage Mothers is a collection of essays that complicate the binary between female professional and domestic mother, contributing to theater history and the history of female professionalization and maternity.


Maternity, Theater, Actress
