"Low-Income Access to Employer-Based Transit Benefits" by Andrea Hamre


While national aggregate statistics suggest employer-based transit subsidies may be inaccessible to the majority of the working poor, this is the first study to investigate the subject with disaggregate data while controlling for additional factors. This study uses household travel surveys for 10 of the largest Metropolitan Planning Organizations, grouped into seven cases. In each case, the share of workers offered an employer-based transit subsidy is lowest for workers in the lowest income quintile. Binary logistic regression results for the odds of being offered an employer-based transit subsidy are presented for two cases, Washington, DC, and Denver, CO, and the results largely confirm that low-income workers are less likely to have access to employer-based transit subsidies than workers in higher income groups, even after controlling for other relevant worker and employer characteristics. These findings may be relevant to policymakers interested in supporting affordable access to opportunities.


