Call for Papers, Special Issue
Suburban Sustainability: Developing a Research Agenda for Sustainability Transitions in the Suburbs
Editor: Dr. Sandra J. Garren ()
Abstract Deadline: July 1, 2020
Article Deadline: October 1, 2020
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Submission Guidelines:
Email questions:
- Special Issue Call for Papers
- Issue Timeline
- Who Should Submit?
- Submission Guidelines
- Where to Submit?
- Review Process
- Questions
Call for Papers
The Journal of Suburban Sustainability hereby makes its formal call for papers for its upcoming special issue to develop a research agenda to facilitate sustainable transitions in suburban communities. Surprisingly little research has been done that focus specifically on suburban sustainability even though more than half of American’s describes their neighborhood as suburban (American Housing Community). The Suburban Sustainability journal began in 2013 to promote suburban sustainability research. A new editor, Sandra Garren, Ph.D., took over as editor in 2020 and would like to expand research in this field and desires to develop a collaborative research agenda with the intent of growing building a body of knowledge in sustainable “suburban” development (or redevelopment). To this effort, we are looking for authors to contribute manuscripts that lay out the current state of suburban sustainability in specific issues, identify relevant literature to that issue (i.e., literature review), provide examples of successful communities that have transitioned towards suburban sustainability, and provide recommendations of research needed to expedite the transition of unsustainable suburban practices. The special issue will specifically focus at several interrelated issues, such as:
- Sustainability planning in the suburbs (e.g., policy, planning, programs)
- Mobility and transportation systems (e.g., automobile, public transit, walkability, bikability)
- The built environment (e.g., neighborhood design, buildings, etc.)
- Energy, water, and food systems (e.g., supply, demand, environmental pollution, distributed energy systems)
- Suburban resiliency (e.g., climate change, natural disasters, social)
- Quality of Life (QoL) (e.g., access to open spaces/recreation, healthy populations, safety, social inclusion, sustainable happiness, sense of community)
- The role of business in the suburbs
- Propose a topic
It is the aim of this special issue to provide a baseline of the suburban sustainability and identity a research agenda to facilitate further applied research that will expedite our suburbs to a more sustainable future.
All contributions will be subject to double blind peer review. The editors will produce an introduction to the special issue, including a brief survey of the literature, introduction of themes, and overview of the articles accepted for publication. In addition to thematic articles, the editors will also solicit a postscript summarizing the contributions in the strategic context of suburban sustainability transitions research.
Interested scholars are encouraged to submit a 250-word abstract to the special issue editors as soon as possible with a target date of July 1, 2020. While not a requirement for submission of a paper, this will assist the editors in planning the content of the special issue.
We are also looking for subject matter editors to join the journal as well as reviewers for submitted articles. So, if you are interested in participating as either an Editor or a Reviewer, please email You do not need to contribute an article to review and help inform the research agenda. The editor welcomes collaboration on the research agenda and to developing future special issues.
Download the Call for Papers here:
Call for Papers July 1, 2020
Article submission deadline October 1, 2020;
Peer review and edits Due December 1, 2020
Copyediting and return of acceptance of copyedits January 1, 2021
Publication February 1, 2021
Please follow Suburban Sustainability submission guidelines and strictly adhere to Chicago Manual of Style:
Please submit all articles to the Journal of Suburban Sustainability submission portal at:
Who Should Submit?
We welcome submissions from students, practitioners, scholars, and experts from the intelligence, military, and law enforcement communities, as well as from government, academia, and the private sector.
Please review our Submission Guidelines before you submit your manuscript
Articles should be approximately 4,000 words. Occasionally, we publish longer pieces depending on the context and advanced notification. Please review the Submission Guidelines, ensuring your manuscript includes endnotes and complies with the formatting requirements:
Where to Submit
All documents should be in Microsoft Word format and submitted though the Journal’s online manuscript management system:
If you have a proposal or abstract for a paper, please email the Editor directly at:
Review Process
All papers deemed suitable and within the Journal’s scope will be sent for peer review. The author may be asked to make changes as requested by the reviewer and editor before the work is published. Only original manuscripts not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere will be considered. If accepted for publication, manuscripts cannot be published elsewhere without written permission from Suburban Sustainability.