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Inventario bibliográfico sobre los nidos de las aves de Venezuela / Bibliographical Account of Bird Nests in Venezuela
Miguel Matta-Pereira, Miguel Lentino, Leonardo Lentino, Gianco Angelozzi, Jhorman Piñero, and Margarita Martínez


Primer registro de leucismo total para la Tijereta de Mar Fregata magnificens en Venezuela / First Record of Total Leucism for the Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens in Venezuela
Luis A. Bermúdez-Villapol, Anahy Marcano, Gilberto Figueroa, Félix Moya, Fayruz El Halibi, Mary Velásquez, and Juan Carlos Fernández-Ordóñez


Nuevos registros de aberraciones en el plumaje para varias especies de aves en Venezuela / New Records of Plumage Aberration for Several Bird Species in Venezuela
Cristina Sainz-Borgo, David Ascanio, Lorenzo Calcaño, Eduardo López, Jhonathan Miranda, Adriana Rodríguez-Ferraro, Rafael Ravard, Jhonny Santodomingo, Mariam Trejo, and Hein van Grouw

* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
» Updated as of 02/15/24.