Distribution of Amazonian and Atlantic Birds in Gallery Forests of the Cerrado Region, South America
Jose Maria Cardoso da Silva
Avian Abundance in Sun and Shade Coffee Plantations and Remnant Pine Forest in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic
Joseph M. Wunderle Jr. and Steven C. Latta
Variacion Latitudinal En La Dieta Del Pinguino De Magallanes (Spheniscus Magellanicus) En La Costa Patagonica, Argentina
E. Frere, E. Gandini, and V. Lichtschein
Sentinel Behavior, Seasonality, and the Structure of Bird Flocks in a Brazilian Savanna
Maria Alice S. Alves and Roberto B. Cavalcanti
Biologia Y Ecologia Reproductiva De Phalacrocorax Albiventer (Aves: Phalacrocoracidae) En Punta Leon, Chubut, Argentina
Viviana E. Malacalza and Jorge R. Navas
Index to Volume 6, 1995
Ornitología Neotropical
Short Communications
Nesting Behavior of the Slate-Colored Seedeater (Sporophila Schistacea) in Panama
Bridget J. M. Stutchbury, Paul R. Martin, and Eugene S. Morton
Observations of a Group of Red Necked Aracaris (Pteroglossus Bitorquatus) Attacking a Vine Snake (Oxybelis Fulgidus) in Rondonia, Brazil
Andrew Whittaker
New Bird Breeding Data from Southwestern Ecuador
Brinley J. Best, Matthew Checker, Richard M. Thewlis, Amanda L. Best, and William Duckworth
Short Communications
Nesting Behavior of the Slate-Colored Seedeater (Sporophila Schistacea) in Panama
Bridget J. M. Stutchbury, Paul R. Martin, and Eugene S. Morton
Observations of a Group of Red Necked Aracaris (Pteroglossus Bitorquatus) Attacking a Vine Snake (Oxybelis Fulgidus) in Rondonia, Brazil
Andrew Whittaker
New Bird Breeding Data from Southwestern Ecuador
Brinley J. Best, Matthew Checker, Richard M. Thewlis, Amanda L. Best, and William Duckworth