Ornitología Neotropical | Vol 5 | Iss 2



La Dieta De Phalacrocorax Albiventer En Punta Leon (chubut, Argentina) Durante La Temporada Reproductiva
Viviana E. Malacalza, Teresita I. Poretti, and N. Marcelo Bertellotti

Short Communications


Bird Use of Cecropia (cecropiaceae) and Nearby Trees in Espirito Santo State, Brazil
Yoshika Oniki, Tadeu A. de Melo Junior, Evanio T. Scopel, and Edwin O. Willis


Additional Notes on Nest and Eggs of Some Ecuadorian Birds
Manuel Marin and Juan Manuel Carrion B.

Short Communications


Bird Use of Cecropia (cecropiaceae) and Nearby Trees in Espirito Santo State, Brazil
Yoshika Oniki, Tadeu A. de Melo Junior, Evanio T. Scopel, and Edwin O. Willis


Additional Notes on Nest and Eggs of Some Ecuadorian Birds
Manuel Marin and Juan Manuel Carrion B.