Diversidad, Abundancia Y Dinamica Espacio-temporal De La Colonia Mixta De Aves Marinas En Punta Leon, Patagonia
Pablo Yorio, Flavio Quintana, Claudio Campagna, and Guillermo Harris
La Dieta De Phalacrocorax Albiventer En Punta Leon (chubut, Argentina) Durante La Temporada Reproductiva
Viviana E. Malacalza, Teresita I. Poretti, and N. Marcelo Bertellotti
A New Subspecies of Scarlet Macaw and Its Status and Conservation
David A. Wiedenfeld
Short Communications
The Nest of the Crested Foliage-gleaner Automolus Dorsalis
Andrew W. Kratter
Bird Use of Cecropia (cecropiaceae) and Nearby Trees in Espirito Santo State, Brazil
Yoshika Oniki, Tadeu A. de Melo Junior, Evanio T. Scopel, and Edwin O. Willis
Notes on the Feeding Habits of the Andean Cock-of-the-rock (rupicola Peruviana)
Alejandro Luy G. and Deborah Bigio E.
First Description of the Nest and Eggs of the White-striped Warbler (basileuterus Leucophrys)
Miguel Angelo Marini and Roberto Brandao Cavalcanti
Observations on the Feeding Upon Psittacanthus Calyculatus by Brown-hooded Parrots (pionopsitta Haematotis)
Jack Clinton Eitniear, Steven McGhee, and Will Waddell
Additional Notes on Nest and Eggs of Some Ecuadorian Birds
Manuel Marin and Juan Manuel Carrion B.
Notes on the Breeding Biology of the Slate-throated Redstart (myioborus Mineatus) in Venezuela
Charles T. Collins and Thomas R. Ryan
The Slate-colored Seedeater (sporophila Schistacea): A Bamboo Specialist?
Diane L. Neudorf and Paul J. Blanchfield
Short Communications
The Nest of the Crested Foliage-gleaner Automolus Dorsalis
Andrew W. Kratter
Bird Use of Cecropia (cecropiaceae) and Nearby Trees in Espirito Santo State, Brazil
Yoshika Oniki, Tadeu A. de Melo Junior, Evanio T. Scopel, and Edwin O. Willis
Notes on the Feeding Habits of the Andean Cock-of-the-rock (rupicola Peruviana)
Alejandro Luy G. and Deborah Bigio E.
First Description of the Nest and Eggs of the White-striped Warbler (basileuterus Leucophrys)
Miguel Angelo Marini and Roberto Brandao Cavalcanti
Observations on the Feeding Upon Psittacanthus Calyculatus by Brown-hooded Parrots (pionopsitta Haematotis)
Jack Clinton Eitniear, Steven McGhee, and Will Waddell
Additional Notes on Nest and Eggs of Some Ecuadorian Birds
Manuel Marin and Juan Manuel Carrion B.
Notes on the Breeding Biology of the Slate-throated Redstart (myioborus Mineatus) in Venezuela
Charles T. Collins and Thomas R. Ryan
The Slate-colored Seedeater (sporophila Schistacea): A Bamboo Specialist?
Diane L. Neudorf and Paul J. Blanchfield