Ornitología Neotropical | Vol 20 | Iss 4



Yellow Warbler (dendroica Petechia) Breeding Success in Relation to Shiny Cowbird Brood Parasitism in Boquerón, Puerto Rico
Mayra Vincenty, Adrianne G. Tossas, Fernando J. Bird-Picó, Ricardo López-Ortiz, and Eduardo A. Ven- tosa-Febles


Vifaunal Survey of the Río Chipaota Valley in the Cordillera Azul Region, San Martín, Peru
Christopher L. Merkord, Todd Mark, Dora Susanibar, Andrew Johnson, and Christopher C. Witt


Molt Biology of Resident and Migrant Birds of the Monsoon Region of West Mexico
Vanya G. Rohwer, Sievert Rohwer, and Marco Fabio Ortiz Ramirez


Natural History Notes on the Pale-throated Serra-finch (embernagra Longicauda) in Eastern Brazil
Diego Hoffmann, Leonardo Esteves Lopes, and Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos


Short Communications


Observations on Parental Care and Fledging of Watkins’s Antpitta (grallaria Watkinsi)
Harold F. Greeney, Eliot T. Miller, and Rudolphe A. Gelis

Short Communications


Observations on Parental Care and Fledging of Watkins’s Antpitta (grallaria Watkinsi)
Harold F. Greeney, Eliot T. Miller, and Rudolphe A. Gelis