Notes on the Ecology of the Yellow-faced Parrot (alipiopsitta Xanthops) in Central Brazil
Carlos Bianchi
Efectos Del Cambio De Uso De Suelo En La Disponibilidad Hipo- Tética De Hábitat Para Los Psitacidos De México
César A. Rìos-Muñoz and Adolfo Navarro-Sigüenza
Ecoclimatic Correlates of Occurrences of White-throated Hawk (buteo Albigula) and Cinereous Harrier (circus Cinerous) in Central Ecuador
Pierre-Yves Henry and Jean-Christophe Aznar
Yellow Warbler (dendroica Petechia) Breeding Success in Relation to Shiny Cowbird Brood Parasitism in Boquerón, Puerto Rico
Mayra Vincenty, Adrianne G. Tossas, Fernando J. Bird-Picó, Ricardo López-Ortiz, and Eduardo A. Ven- tosa-Febles
Vifaunal Survey of the Río Chipaota Valley in the Cordillera Azul Region, San Martín, Peru
Christopher L. Merkord, Todd Mark, Dora Susanibar, Andrew Johnson, and Christopher C. Witt
Relación Entre Las Caracteristicas De Los Huevos Y Del Sitio De Anidación; Con El Éxito Reproductivo De La Gaviota Reidora (leucophaeus Atricilla) En La Isla El Rancho; Sinaloa Durante La Temporada 2007
Erick González-Medina, José Alfredo Castillo-Guerrero, and Eric Mellink
Molt Biology of Resident and Migrant Birds of the Monsoon Region of West Mexico
Vanya G. Rohwer, Sievert Rohwer, and Marco Fabio Ortiz Ramirez
Distributions of Threatened Grassland Passerines of Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay, with New Locality Records and Notes on Their Natural History and Habitat
Mariano Codesido and Rosendo Manuel Fraga
Natural History Notes on the Pale-throated Serra-finch (embernagra Longicauda) in Eastern Brazil
Diego Hoffmann, Leonardo Esteves Lopes, and Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos
Revision of the Amethyst-throated Sunangel (heliangelus Amethysticollis): a New Subspecies from Southern Peru.
André-Alexander Weller
Index to Volume 20, 2009 - Reviewers for Ornitología Neotropical, Volume 20
Ornitología Neotropical
Short Communications
Observations on Parental Care and Fledging of Watkins’s Antpitta (grallaria Watkinsi)
Harold F. Greeney, Eliot T. Miller, and Rudolphe A. Gelis
"Nest Associates and Colony Trees of the Red-rumped Cacique (cacicus Haemorrhous, Icteridae)"
Marco Aurélio Pizo
Adoption of Southern Rockhopper Penguin (eudyptes Chrysocome) Chick by a Black-browed Albatros (thalassarche Melano- Phrys)
Laurent Demongin, Maud Poisbleau, Rafael Matias, and José Pedro Granadeiro
First Description of the Nest, Nest Site, Egg, and Young of the Giant Antpitta (grallaria Gigantea)
Alejandro Solano-Ugalde, Àngel Paz, and Wilson Paz
Short Communications
Observations on Parental Care and Fledging of Watkins’s Antpitta (grallaria Watkinsi)
Harold F. Greeney, Eliot T. Miller, and Rudolphe A. Gelis
"Nest Associates and Colony Trees of the Red-rumped Cacique (cacicus Haemorrhous, Icteridae)"
Marco Aurélio Pizo
Adoption of Southern Rockhopper Penguin (eudyptes Chrysocome) Chick by a Black-browed Albatros (thalassarche Melano- Phrys)
Laurent Demongin, Maud Poisbleau, Rafael Matias, and José Pedro Granadeiro
First Description of the Nest, Nest Site, Egg, and Young of the Giant Antpitta (grallaria Gigantea)
Alejandro Solano-Ugalde, Àngel Paz, and Wilson Paz