Biogeography and Taxonomy of Lafresnaya (trochilidae), with a New Subspecies from Colombia
K.-L. Schuchmann, A.-A. Weller, and E. Wulfmeyer
The Feeding Ecology and Digestive Tract Morphometry of Two Sympatric Tinamous of the High Plateau of the Bolivian Andes: the Ornate Tinamou (nothoprocta Ornata) and the Darwinas Nothura (nothura Darwinii)
Alvaro Garitano-Zavala, Jacint Nadal, and Pamela Avila
Changes in Abundance of Crested Guan (penelope Purpurascens) and Black Guan (chamaepetes Unicolor) Along an Altitudinal Gradient in Costa Rica
Johel Chaves-Campos
Uso Estacional De Dos Areas, Marina Y Dulceacuacola, Por Aves Playeras En Funcian Al Nivel De Marea, En Baja California Sur, Mexico
Roberto Carmona, Armando Álvarez, Andrea Cuéllar-Brito, and Margarita Zamora-Orozco
Composician Y Abundancia De Las Aves En Tres Formaciones Vegetales De La Altiplanicie De Nipe, Holguan, Cuba
B. Sanchez, N. Navarro, R. Oviedo, C. Pena, A. Hernandez, E. Reyes, P. Blanco, R. Sanchez, and A. Herrera
Birds of a Neotropical Woodlot After Fire
Edwin O. Willis
Avifauna of the Northern Paraguayan Chaco
Kristof Zyskowski, Mark B. Robbins, A. Townsend Peterson, Kimberly S. Bostwick, Robert P. Clay, and Luis A. Amarilla
Short Communications
Nidificacian Del Gallito De La Roca (rupicola Peruviana) En Elvalle De San Onofre, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Oswaldo Maillard Z. and Eduardo Caballero
First Report of the Nest of the Barred Hawk (leucopternis Princeps) in Panama
Angel Muela and Ursula Valdez
A Survey of Peruvian Torrent Ducks (merganetta Armata Leucogenis) on Two Rivers in Peru
Nancy L. Staus and Eugene F. Weast
Notes on the Distribution, Habitat and Conservation of the Cloud-forest Pigmy-owl (glaucidium Nubicola) in Ecuador
Juan F. Freile, Jaime A. Chaves, Gabriel Iturralde, and Esteban Guevara
Roosting and Nesting of the Burnished-buff Tanager (tangara Cayana) in Southeastern Brazil
Edwin O. Willis and Yoshika Oniki
Polydesmidan Millipede Used in Self-anointing by a Strongbilled Woodcreeper (xiphocolaptes Promeropirhyncus) from Belize
Kenneth C. Parkes, Paul J. Weldon, and Richard L. Hoffman
Short Communications
Nidificacian Del Gallito De La Roca (rupicola Peruviana) En Elvalle De San Onofre, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Oswaldo Maillard Z. and Eduardo Caballero
First Report of the Nest of the Barred Hawk (leucopternis Princeps) in Panama
Angel Muela and Ursula Valdez
A Survey of Peruvian Torrent Ducks (merganetta Armata Leucogenis) on Two Rivers in Peru
Nancy L. Staus and Eugene F. Weast
Notes on the Distribution, Habitat and Conservation of the Cloud-forest Pigmy-owl (glaucidium Nubicola) in Ecuador
Juan F. Freile, Jaime A. Chaves, Gabriel Iturralde, and Esteban Guevara
Roosting and Nesting of the Burnished-buff Tanager (tangara Cayana) in Southeastern Brazil
Edwin O. Willis and Yoshika Oniki
Polydesmidan Millipede Used in Self-anointing by a Strongbilled Woodcreeper (xiphocolaptes Promeropirhyncus) from Belize
Kenneth C. Parkes, Paul J. Weldon, and Richard L. Hoffman