Population Status of the Ruddy-headed Goose (chloephaga Rubidiceps) in Tierra Del Fuego and Mainland Pagagonia (chile and Argentina)
Jesper Madsen, Ricardo Matus, Olivia Blank, Luis Benegas, Gustavo Mateazzi, and Daniel E. Blanco
Hyacinth Macaw (anodorhynchus Hyacinthinus) Reproduction in the Northern Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Joao Batista Pinho and Flavia M. B. Nogueira
Comparative Foraging Behavior Between Solitary and Flocking Insectivores in a Neotropical Forest: Does Vulnerability Matter?
Jean-Marc Thiollay
Mixed-species Bird Flocks in a Montane Cloud Forest of Colombia
Clara Isabel Bohorquez
Roosting Behavior of the Brown-throated Parakeet (aratinga Pertinax) and Roost Locations on Four Southern Caribbean Islands
Kyle E. Harms and Jessica R. Eberhard
The Taxonomic Status of the Puerto Rican Bullfinch (loxigilla Portoricensis) (emberizidae) in Puerto Rico and St Kitts
Orlando H. Garrido and James W. Wiley
Behavioral Notes on the Common Pauraque (nyctidromus Albicollis)
Walter A. Thurber
Short Communications
First Nesting Report of the West Peruvian Screech-owl (otus Roboratus)
Juan F. Freile, Elisa A. Bonaccorso, and Tatiana Santander
Discovery of a Breeding Colony of Elliots Storm-petrels (oceanites Gracilis, Hydrobatidae) in Chile
Fritz Hertel and Juan C. Torres-Mura
Observations of Aggressiveness and Territoriality Among Species of Rhinocryptidae in a Rain Forest Fragment in Southern Chile
Alejandro Correa Rueda and Javier A. Figueroa
First Description of Nest and Eggs of the Ochre-breasted Antpitta (grallaricula Flavirostris)
Oswaldo Maillard Z. and Christopher J. Vogel
Short Communications
First Nesting Report of the West Peruvian Screech-owl (otus Roboratus)
Juan F. Freile, Elisa A. Bonaccorso, and Tatiana Santander
Discovery of a Breeding Colony of Elliots Storm-petrels (oceanites Gracilis, Hydrobatidae) in Chile
Fritz Hertel and Juan C. Torres-Mura
Observations of Aggressiveness and Territoriality Among Species of Rhinocryptidae in a Rain Forest Fragment in Southern Chile
Alejandro Correa Rueda and Javier A. Figueroa
First Description of Nest and Eggs of the Ochre-breasted Antpitta (grallaricula Flavirostris)
Oswaldo Maillard Z. and Christopher J. Vogel
Karel Hendrik Voous, 1920-2002
Adolphe Debrot, Ruud van Halewyn, and Jan Wattel