Sexual Differences in the Tail Barring of Spotted Owls
Cameron W. Barrows, Peter H. Bloom, and Charles T. Collins
Breeding Biology of a Pennsylvania Tree Swallow Colony: Effects of the Parasitic Blowfly on Growth Rates
John J. Stahura
Notes on the Banding of Emberizidae: Parulinae Seiurus Species in Southeastern Arizona
Philip M. Walters
Weight, Fat Class and Wing Measurement of Gray Catbirds During Migration
Kenneth W. Prescott
Relative Effectiveness of Trapping-banding Vs Visual Observation in a Winter Bird Population Study
Robert C. Tweit and Joan C. Tweit
Atlantic Flyway Waterfowl Banding
Fred Hartman
Longevity and Fecundity Records in the Tree Swallow
David J. T. Hussell
The Laughing Gull on the Eastern Shores of Maryland and Virginia
John H. Buckalew
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North American Bird Bander
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North American Bird Bander
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North American Bird Bander
Atlantic Flyway Review: Region Iii
North American Bird Bander
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North American Bird Bander
Central Flyway Review: Spring 1982
North American Bird Bander
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North American Bird Bander
Significant Encounters with Banded Birds
North American Bird Bander