

The global interest in the moon and outer space continues to skyrocket. The current U.S. commercial investment in space is $350 billion annually, and it is expected to grow to $1 Trillion or more by 2040. The U.S. military investment in space defense and research likewise continues to grow, with the total investment amount remaining classified. With the frequent activity in space, as well as concerns about attacks to US space assets to and from space, the U.S, created the United States Space Command and its Space Force. With private space travel, nanosatellites, lunar exploration, and the proliferation of space weapons, the newest frontier of concern is outer space. This article explores who owns outer space, what is the governance model for peaceful exploration in space and defines the parameters of what activities can occur on the moon. National security rests on strong space security and cybersecurity. With the upcoming Hack the Moon competition and symposium being hosted by the Maryland Innovation and Security Institute, this article lays the foundation for the realm of the possible, which was once seen as the realm of the impossible. The Sky and the moon are no longer the limit!
