Forword to the Proceedings of Pacific Seabirds 2007; Lukang, Taiwan; 4-7 October 2007
Verena Gill, Rob Butler, Mark Rauzon, Ron Ydenberg, and Tony Gaston
New Roles for Molecular Genetics in Understanding Seabird Evolution, Ecology and Conservation
V. L. Friesen
Rates of Food Consumption in Free-living Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus Magellanicus
R. W. Wilson, S. Jackson, and M. T. Straten
Monitoring Contaminants in Seabirds: the Importance of Specimen Banking
S. S. Vander and P. R. Becker
Ashmole's Halo and Population Regulation in Seabirds
A. J. Gaston, R. C. Ydenberg, and G. E.J. Smith
Understanding Seabirds at Sea: Why and How?
L T. Ballance
Recovery of the Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus Antiquus Colony on Langara Island, British Columbia, Following Eradication of Invasive Rats
H. M. Regehr, M. S. Rodway, M. J.F. Lemon, and J. M. Hipfner
Comparison of Aerial and Boat-based Survey Methods for Marbled Murrelets Brachyramphus Marmoratus and Other Marine Birds
L. A. Henkel, R. G. Ford, W. B. Tyler, and J. N. Davis