
Volume 31, Issue 2 (2003)


Changes In Distribution And Abundance Of Kittlitz's Murrelets Brachyramphus Brevirostrisrelative To Glacial Recession In Prince William Sound, Alaska
Katherine J. Kuletz, Shawn W. Stephensen, David B. Irons, Elizabeth A. Labunski, and Karen M. Brenneman


Whiskered Auklets Aethia Pygmaea, Foxes, Humans And How To Right A Wrong
Jeffrey C. Williams, G. Vernon Byrd, and Nikolai B. Konyukhov


Assessing Chick Growth From A Single Visit To A Seabird Colony
Jeb Benson, Robert M. Suryan, and John F. Piatt


A Review Of Four Successful Recovery Programmes For Threatened Sub-tropical Petrels
Nicholas Carlile, David Priddel, Francis Zino, Cathleen Natividad, and David B. Wingate


Breeding And Fledging Behaviour Of The Chatham Taiko (magenta Petrel) Pterodroma Magentae, And Predator Activity At Burrows
Rachel B. Johnston, Susan M. Bettany, R. Mike Ogle, Hilary A. Aikman, Graeme A. Taylor, and Michael J. Imber


Fish Prey Of The Black Skimmer Rynchops Niger At Mar Chiquita, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Rocío Mariano-Jelicich, Marco Favero, and María Patricia Silva


African Penguins Spheniscus Demersus Recolonise A Formerly Abandoned Nesting Locality In Namibia
J-P. Roux, J. Kemper, P.A. Bartlett, B.m. Dyer, and B.L. Dundee