Forum - Taxonomy and Conservation: Thoughts on the Latest Birdlife International Listings for Seabirds
A. J. Gaston
Post-breeding Movements of a Male Black-footed Albatross
K. D. Hyrenbach and R. C. Dotson
Line Transect Estimates of Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus Tenuirostris Mortality in the South-eastern Bering Sea, 1997-1999
K. D. Hyrenbach, C. L. Baduini, and G. L. Hunt Jr.
Diet of Eastern Pacific Brown Boobies Sula Leucogaster Brewsteri on Isla San Jorge, North-eastern Gulf of California, and an April Comparison with Diets in the Middle Gulf of California
Eric Mellink, Jorge Dominguez, and Jamie Luévano
Courtship Behaviour of the Wandering Albatross Diomedea Exulans at Bird Island, South Georgia
S. P. C. Pickering and S. D. Berrow
Distribution and Abundance of Breeding Birds at Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, February to April 2000
Maria Susana Bo and Sofia Copello
Avian Malaria and Marek's Disease: Potential Threats to Galapagos Penguins Spheniscus Mendiculus
G. D. Miller, B. V. Hofkin, H. Snell, A. Hahn, and R. D. Miller
Does Blood Sampling during Incubation Induce Nest Desertion in the Female Common Eider Somateria Mollissima?
F. Criscuolo
The Influence of Neighbours on Breeding Synchrony in the Cory's Shearwater Calonectris Diomedea
J-L. Mougin, C. Jouanin, M-C. Mougin, and F. Roux
Census of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters Puffinus Pacificus and Audubon's Shearwaters P Lhermineri on Cousin Island, Seychelles Using Call-playback
A. E. Burger and A. D. Lawrence
Reviews - Mirrors in Ice: Fulmarine Petrels and Antarctic Ecosystems; the Great Auk
A. J. Gaston and J. F. Piatt