
University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing



Wearable technologies (WTs), started to play an important role within the tourism ecosystem. These technologies open up new possibilities for all types of tourism operators such as Destination Management Organizations (DMOs), airlines, hotels, cruise lines, theme parks, museums and other attractions in terms of offering competitive advantage and assuring a sustainable offer. In this context, tourism-related companies and destinations, in particular, need to employ new strategies and be innovate in order to meet the demand of sophisticated consumers, improve the satisfaction of the tourist and increase the overall tourism experience. Although the role of this technology is still very much a developing one within tourism at present, it is likely that over the coming years, this theme will grow in popularity to ultimately aid the traveler experience. This chapter aims to provide a better understanding of how future WT could move beyond digital technology and become wearable laboratories on our bodies, by combining both literature review of best practices from scientific articles and insightful examples of business practices on WDs. The first part of the chapter provides the key concepts about WTs, their evolution process, contributions and advantages and disadvantages to several sectors. The second part provides a basis for a deeper insight into the implications of tourism marketing and management by providing examples from the industry and look at the ways of transformation from tourists to smart travelers. In conclusion, this chapter aims to provide a better understanding of WTs and help students, academics, and practitioners consider wearable devices and their importance in the tourism industry.


After completing this chapter, the student will be able to:

  • Know the definition of wearable technology (WT) devices and their evolution process by shedding light on the history.
  • Understand the purpose and uses of WTs.
  • Understand the growth speed of the WT and possible future contributions to various sectors.
  • Compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of the wearable devices for both businesses, consumers and travelers.
  • Identify the role and application areas of WTs in the tourism industry.
  • Explain the implications of WTs in tourism marketing and know the concept of smart travelers.



Recommended Citation

Egeli, G. Z., & Kurgun, H. (2021). Wearable technologies: Kinesthetic dimension in enriching tourist experience. In C. Cobanoglu, S. Dogan, K. Berezina, & G. Collins (Eds.), Advances in hospitality and tourism information technology (pp. 1–30). USF M3 Publishing. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/9781732127586

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