University of South Florida (USF) M3 Publishing
Hospitality means more than being hospitable. It deals with emotions, trust, and interactions. It means being friendly and helpful, welcoming, and considerate, understanding needs and expectations, responding in quick and respectful ways. As an industry, hospitality is based on a human-centered philosophy, influenced by religions and cultural traditions.
Over the last few decades, the global hospitality industry has grown by leaps with more than 1000 hotel brands. This means travelers have several options to choose from. Hoteliers need to reach out to them in different ways. Hospitality industry offers tangible and intangibles to develop experiences. Therefore, building a consistent identity and well-known recognition is very important. Marketing strategies must include maintaining good relationships with existing and potential customers and responding to their needs and expectations immediately.
Recommended Citation
Ali, F., Dogan, S., Turktarhan, G., & Cobanoglu, C. (2020). Hospitality Brands: What do consumers want during a pandemic? University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing.
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