Short Communications
Nest Site and Prey of a Pair of Sharp-shinned Hawks in Alberta
Michael S. Quinn
Ornate Hawk-eagle Feeding on Green Iguana
Jack Clinton-Eitniear, Michael R. Gartside, and Mark A. Kainer
Notes on a Successful Nesting by a Pair of Yearling Peregrine Falcons (falco Peregrinus)
Annie M. Wendt and Greg A. Septon
Non-breeding Season Diet of Long-eared Owls in Massachusetts
Denver W. Holt and Nancy N. Childs
Scientific Papers
Development of Foraging Behavior in the American Kestrel
Daniel E. Varland, Erwin E. Klaas, and Thomas M. Loughin
Scientific Papers
Development of Foraging Behavior in the American Kestrel
Daniel E. Varland, Erwin E. Klaas, and Thomas M. Loughin