- Altogether 23 heleomyzid species from 7 genera were identified
- 1 species was considered as troglobiont, i.e., Oecothea praecox
- 11 species were recognized as eutroglophiles, 9 as subtroglophiles, 2 as trogloxenes
- Dominant taxa: Scoliocentra brachypterna, Heleomyza captiosa, Eccoptomera pallescens
- The highest number of species has been found in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland
This article details the analysed results of the recent study on heleomyzid flies (Diptera: Heleomyzidae) that occurred in the caves of Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. Additionally, all accessible information about those flies from the Polish caves has been compiled. In effect, 23 species from seven genera were identified. Among these determined species, one was considered as troglobiont, eleven as eutroglophiles, nine as subtroglophiles, and two as trogloxenes. Dominant species were Scoliocentra brachypterna, Heleomyza captiosa and Eccoptomera pallescens. The highest number of species has currently been found in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland.
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Recommended Citation
Kocot-Zalewska, J., Woźnica, A.J., 2021. Cave-dwelling heleomyzid flies (Diptera: Heleomyzidae) from the Polish caves. Historical overview and new data. International Journal of Speleology, 50(2), 203-211.