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The International Journal of Speleology is the official journal of the Union Internationale de Spéléologie since 1978 and was founded in 1964. It is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal that publishes research and review articles concerning all sciences involved in karst and caves, such as geology, geomorphology, hydrology, archeology, paleontology, (paleo)climatology, cave meteorology, (geo)microbiology, environmental sciences, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, etc. IJS is published three times per year.

Articles are open access at http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/ijs. The journal is abstracted and indexed in the following services: Directory of Open Access Journals, ISI Thomson Services (Science Citation Index-Expanded including the Web of Science, ISI Alerting Service, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences), Bibliography & Index of Geology (GeoRef, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, EarthScienceWISE (Oxmill Publishing), EBSCO publishing, Geobase, Speleological Abstracts (UIS), Ulrich’s Periodical Directory ™, BIOSIS Zoological record, SCOPUS (Elsevier), and SCImago Journal and Country Rank.

In Journal of Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters 2023

NEW ISSUE IN PROGRESS: Volume 53, issue 3 (2024)

Current Issue: Volume 53, Issue 2 (2024) Klimchouk – Hypogene speleogenesis



Klimchouk’s Impact on the Development of Speleogenetic Models for Castile Evaporites: West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico, USA
Kevin W. Stafford

  • Klimchouk's impact on speleogenesis in the Permian Basin
  • Characterization of evaporite karst in the Delaware Basin
  • Speleogenetic model for Castile evaporites


Manifestations of sulfuric acid speleogenesis in the Mulapampa travertine, Central Andes of Peru: evidence from the Gruta con Lago
Andrzej Tyc, Krzysztof Gaidzik, Justyna Ciesielczuk, and Katarzyna Wątor

  • Three caves in travertine collapse sinkholes in southern Peru were identified and explored
  • Gypsum deposits and isotopic data suggest sulfuric acid's role in speleogenesis
  • δ34S and δ18O of gypsum confirm their origin from H2S oxidation
  • Nearby volcanoes and faults likely influenced travertine formation and SAS processes


A speleogenetic history of Novoafonskaya Cave in the Western Caucasus
Olga Chervyatsova, Sergey Potapov, Jonathan Baker, Dmitry Gavryushkin, Victor Polyak, Matt Heizler, Sergey Tokarev, Sergey Sadykov, Roman Dbar, and Yuri Dublyansky

  • Small-scale karstification by hydrothermal waters occurred in Miocene – Middle Pliocene
  • The main volumes of the cave formed by mixing corrosion (Late Pliocene – Middle Pleistocene)
  • The cave was affected by SAS during its emergence from the phreatic zone after ~400 ka
  • Evolution of the cave was affected by sea level fluctuations and the tectonic uplift


Role of hypogenesis in the evolution of karst in the Taurus Mountains Range, Turkey
Serdar C. Bayari, Naciye Nur Özyurt, Lütfi Nazik, Koray A. Törk, Noyan İ. Güner, Emrah Pekkan, and Pınar Avcı

  • Evaluation of the geodynamic history is essential to assessing the hypogene karst processes
  • The carbonate-hosted secondary ore deposits are associated with hypogene karstification
  • Kırkgöz cave system, Antalya Travertine Plateau, and Obruks are hypogene karst products
  • Groundwater’s noble gas and carbon isotope signals indicate ongoing hypogene activity
  • Earth-tidal pumping can be a potential flow driver for hypogene karstification


Mid- to Late-Miocene hypogene speleogenesis tied to the tectonic history of the central Basin and Range province, USA
Louise D. Hose, Victor Polyak, Harvey R. DuChene, J. Douglas Powell, Leslie A. Melim, Gretchen M. Baker, Donald G. Davis, and Yemane Asmerom

  • Central Basin and Range province is a major hypogenic cave region
  • Speleogenesis dates back to the Middle Miocene
  • Uranium-lead radiometric dates of cave mammillaries range between 14-2 Ma
  • Calc-siltite is made up of silt-sized calcite and quartz grains


Revealing the ongoing speleogenetic processes in an underwater cave through the application of natural radionuclides and stable isotopes: case study from the hypogene Buda Thermal Karst
Anita Erőss, Katalin Hegedűs-Csondo, Petra Kovács-Bodor, Dénes Szieberth, Ákos Horváth, György Czuppon, Andrea Mindszenty Dr, Szabolcs Leél-Őssy, and Judit Mádl-Szőnyi

  • Karst development is studied in real-time in a regional discharge area
  • Cave forming process connected to lukewarm groundwater of intermediate flow system
  • Free convection results in an upper warmer water layer
  • Mixing corrosion is connected to a fault zone
  • Danube level regulates thermal water discharge and temporal variations in mixing


CO2 hypogene speleogenesis in an endogenic travertine system, Mesa del Oro, New Mexico, USA
Victor J. Polyak, Jeffrey R. Forbes, Michael N. Spilde, Paula P. Provencio, John R. Cochran, and Yemane Asmerom

  • Whut Cave formed by CO2 hypogene speleogenesis in an endogenic travertine deposit
  • Much of the CO2 in the system was sourced by local volcanic activity
  • A Mn-oxide ore deposit associated with the cave is a product of speleogenesis
  • Speleogenesis took place synchronously with deposition of the travertine and local volcanic activity between 900 and 300 kyr BP


Constraining the evolutionary stages of a hypogene karst system by combining morphological, geochemical and geochronological data - the example of carbonate breccia-hosted Melnička Peštera
Marjan Temovski, Zsófia Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Kata Molnár, László Rinyu, Alexander Wieser, Oscar Marchhart, and László Palcsu

  • Hydrothermal carbonic speleogenesis in carbonate breccia host rock
  • Laughöhle morphology and horizontal phreatic cave development near the water table
  • Stable and clumped isotope and noble gas geochemistry of hydrothermal calcite
  • Host rock burial age dating constrains Messinian Salinity Crisis related paleovalley
  • Hypogene karst system related to Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic activity


Hypogene speleogenesis in carbonates by cooling hydrothermal flow: The case of Mt. Berenike caves, Israel
Roi Roded, Boaz Langford, Einat Aharonov, Piotr Szymczak, Micka Ullman, Shemesh Yaaran, Boaz Lazar, and Amos Frumkin

  • Mt. Berenike hypogenic caves in Israel were surveyed and embedded in geology and hydrology context
  • The caves serve as a case study to examine the Confined-Cooling-Flow (CCF) speleogenesis model
  • The CCF model involves carbonates' retrograde solubility and a simple thermo-hydro-chemical scenario
  • Model elucidates intricate maze-cave formation in Mt. Berenike and other enigmatic instances
  • Findings support CCF model applicability to large, globally widespread hypogenic caves


Hypogenic caves of Syracuse area, Sicily (Italy): geomorphological evidence of CO2 degassing, fresh-salt water mixing, and late condensation corrosion
Philippe Audra, Jean-Yves Bigot, Didier Cailhol, Pierre Camps, Ilenia M. D'Angeli, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Fernando Gàzquez-Sanchez, Gabriella Koltai, Giuliana Madonia, Jean-Claude Nobécourt, Marjan Temovski, Marco Vattano, and Jo De Waele

  • Caves near Syracuse, Sicily, are in Miocene calcarenites and are hypogenic
  • A Flank Margin Cave (FMC) model is proposed, showing marine terrace correlation
  • CO2 aggressivity comes from the freshwater lens and underlying saltwater body
  • Stable isotopes suggest an organic carbon contribution, without hydrothermalism
  • Morphologic Suites of Rising Flow, bubble trails and acid notches record acid upflow