"Factors influencing the green purchase intention among consumers: An empirical study in Algeria" by Abir Alalei and Muhammad T. Jan


The main objective of the study is to investigate factors influencing the green purchase intention of Algerian consumers using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Furthermore, it aims to examine the impacts of subjective norms, consumer attitude, environmental knowledge, and green label variable to the consumer purchase intention. The authors proposed the model of TPB that combines three constructs namely attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. The subjective norms and consumer attitude variables were directly adopted from the TPB Model. In addition, environmental knowledge and green label variables were added based on the review of the literature. The study was conducted based on the quantitative approach, with data collected through a self-administrated questionnaire that resulted in 350 responses of Algerian consumers from Algiers town. The empirical findings of this study supported only three hypotheses and did not find evidence to support one. Subjective norms, environmental knowledge, and green label variables positively and significantly influenced the green purchase intention, whereas the consumer attitude did not show any significant influence on Algerian consumers’ purchase intention. In conclusion, green label and environmental knowledge were resulted to be the most influential factors that impact the green purchase intention of Algerian consumers. The findings from this study can improve the forthcoming research in related topics and help the marketers develop their Algerian marketing strategies.


attitude, subjective norm, environmental knowledge, green label

Chinese Abstract




ORCID Identifiers

Abir Alalei: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1691-9543

Muhammad Tahir Jan: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5680-8496



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