

The restaurant market is becoming more competitive, and businesses are challenged to differentiate themselves in this sector in terms of quality of services. This research aimed to identify the specific indicators for measuring the quality of restaurant service in Brazil. Based on a quantitative paradigm, we adopted a user-generated content analysis with a sample of 1,143,631 customer reviews from 35,611 restaurants in seven Brazilian cities available on the TripAdvisor platform. We collected and registered the data in text and analyzed the results with the support of T-LAB software. Moreover, we adopted TOURQUAL Protocol (Mondo, 2014) to identify the main requirements for quality. Also, we gathered the customers points of view through reviews made on a specialized website and organized them into groups. Findings: The results showed the leading categories identified as requirements for the customers were accessibility or location, service, opening hours, infrastructure, price, quality of food, and having a variety of food options. The finding provides managers with empirical evidence of the quality drivers for Brazilian clients and sheds light on opportunities to enhance quality service. This research demonstrated its originality as the first to adopt TOURQUAL quality indicators in a large country sample with continental geographical dimensions.


quality of service, food and beverage, quality protocol, TripAdvisor

Chinese Abstract


餐饮市场竞争越来越激烈,企业在服务质量方面面临着实现差异化的挑战。本研究旨在确定衡量巴西餐厅服务质量的具体指标。基于定量范式,我们采用了用户生成的内容分析方法,对TripAdvisor平台上7个巴西城市的35,611家餐厅的1,143,631条客户评论进行了分析。我们收集并登记了文本数据,并使用T-LAB软件进行了文本分析。此外,我们采用了TOURQUAL协议(Mondo, 2014)来确定服务质量的主要需求,并通过专业网站上的评论收集了顾客的观点,并将其分组。研究结果:结果显示,顾客认为衡量餐厅服务质量的主要指标是可访问性或地理位置、服务、营业时间、基础设施、价格、食品质量和多样化的食品选项。该研究为管理人员提供了对于巴西客户的质量驱动因素的实证证据及提高服务质量的机会。这项研究展示了它的独创性,因为它是第一个在大陆地理维度以国家大样本采用TOURQUAL质量指标的研究。


ORCID Identifiers

Tiago Savi Mondo: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8929-1339

André Riani Costa Perinotto: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7094-3758

Valério Souza-Neto: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4680-7697



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