

Tip is the monetary amount that consumers voluntarily leave for the quality of the service they get. Whether a tip is left or not, and the amount of the tip left may result from different demographic and characteristic features of consumers. This study was conducted to determine the amount of tip left by the generations based on the personalized bills. Based on three different personalized bill types for a dinner for two people at a mid-quality restaurant, it was attempted to determine whether the costumers left tips or not, and if they did, how much was the amount. The data were gathered based on the quota sampling method in January and February 2018. The total number of the participants – selected from each gender and generation except for the Z generation in equal numbers - reached 414. The data were evaluated by descriptive statistics, chi-square analysis, one and two-way ANOVA. The findings indicated that the amounts of tips were significantly different depending on the generations and the personalized bills.


personalized bill, generations, tipping behavior, tip.

Chinese Abstract






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