"Factors affecting medical tourism destination selection: A Malaysian perspective" by Jeetesh Kumar and Kashif Hussian


The study aims to assess the factors for medical tourism destination selection from medical tourist’s perspective and to determine the satisfaction level of medical tourists in Malaysia. Field survey was conducted with the structured questionnaire to medical tourists admitted at 11 public and private hospitals in Kuala Lumpur region during September and October, 2013. A non-probability convenience sampling technique was used and 72 response were collected. Geography of Malaysia was found to be an important factor having direct and positive impact on patient’s destinations selection and satisfaction level. Results also confirms that Malaysia is famous destination for Indonesians as a medical tourism destination. One of the apparent limitations of current research is the sample size, which is very small and also limited to hospitals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A study with different sample size and several locations in Malaysia may provide fruitful results for the evaluation of medical tourism destination selection. Finding of the current research are very much beneficial for the health ministry, tourism ministry and practitioners to improve the service level and in attracting big number of medical tourists to Malaysia. Several countries are offering medical tourism in Asia Pacific region and attracting big number of tourist every year. This Research was conducted to find out the factors, which are very much important to attract medical tourists to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and their satisfaction level to improve the performance level in future. Different aspects are involved like organization’s functions, and Malaysian circumstances related to medical tourism in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.


medical tourism, factors, destination selection, satisfaction, Malaysia

Chinese Abstract



关键词: 医疗旅游,影响因素,目的地选择,满意度,马来西亚



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