Changes in Observability of Adult Nine-banded Armadillos Over the Summer: Observer Effect or Seasonal Decline?
Emily G. Robertson, Colleen M. McDonough, and W. J. Loughry
Five Nesting Attempts by an Apparent Pair of Eastern Kingbirds
Douglas B. Mcnair
Aerial Foraging by Tricolored Herons, Snowy, and Great Egrets
William E. Davis Jr. and Jerome A. Jackson
A Kleptoparasitic Attack on a Double-crested Cormorant by a Brown Pelican
Carmine A. Lanciani
Attempted Heterospecific Kleptoparasitism by Crested Caracaras of Ospreys
Douglas B. McNair, M. A. Mcmillian, and L. M. Rojas
Pursuit and Capture of a Ring-billed Gull by Bald Eagles
Andrew W. Kratter and Mary K. Hart
Coyote Distribution in Florida Extends Southward
M. B. Main, S. F. Coates, and G. M. Allen
Foraging Behavior of Vultures in Central Florida
Eric D. Stolen
A Record of Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) in Florida
Lee F. Snyder and Larry A. Hopkins
Field Observations
Spring Report: March-may 2000
Bill Pranty