Foraging and Food-storing of American Crows in Florida
Lawrence Kilham
Proceedings 1981 Crane Workshop
Florida Field Naturalist
Nature Guide-8th Edition
Florida Field Naturalist
The Living Bird Quarterly
Florida Field Naturalist
Florida's Fabulous Waterbirds: Their Stories
Florida Field Naturalist
Ruddy Duck Breeds in Tampa, Florida
Florida Field Naturalist
Play-like Behavior of American Crows
Florida Field Naturalist
On Describing Color Abnormalities in Birds
Florida Field Naturalist
Further Comments on a White Brown Pelican
Florida Field Naturalist
Synchronous Diving by Hooded Mergansers
Florida Field Naturalist
The Black Bear as a Seed Disperser in Florida
Florida Field Naturalist
Persistent Predation by American Swallow-tailed Kites on Eastern Kingbirds
Florida Field Naturalist
Revision of Flock Movement Rate Table
Florida Field Naturalist
Dangle Feeding by the Green-backed Heron
Florida Field Naturalist
An Unusual Roosting Site for a Carolina Wren (a Wren in My Pants)
Florida Field Naturalist