"Plegadis Guarana at Stockton, California" by L. Belding

Plegadis Guarana at Stockton, California


L. Belding

Online Full Text

Mr. Clark’s interesting article on Migration of Certain Shore Birds in the April Auk reminds me of a remarkable flight of Plegadis guarana past Stockton, May 5, 6, 7, 1879, during a gale from the northwest that lasted three days. During this time from 4000 to 5000 of these birds flew north. They followed the eastern edge of the tule marsh as nearly as the strong wind would allow them to, going by sinuous flight up and down, to the right and left, with few wing strokes. I have never seen so many of these birds in any other year.

The tule marsh west of and very near Stockton at that time had a width from east to west of about twenty miles, and was a resort at all times of numerous water birds, of which few are seen since the marsh has been reclaimed and cultivated. The willows on the banks of the river and sloughs were excellent collecting grounds during the spring migration, much better than at present, owing partly, I think, to the English sparrow which has nearly possessed the country about Stockton. During this flight of Plegadis a great many Dendrocygna fulva went north over a slough about half a mile west of the route over which Plegadis flew, both species keeping on their respective routes during the three days’ flight.

Stockton, Cal

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