
Minutes of Meetings


C. S. Thompson

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NOVEMBER. Held at the Phi Kappa Psi House, Berkeley, Nov. 7, 1903. President Taylor in the chair. Owing to the resignation of Mr. Kaeding the Club was without a secretary. Mr. Thompson was appointed secretary pro tem. There were sixteen members and six visitors present, and after the reading and approving of the minutes of the previous meetthree new members were elected: T. S. Palmer, Washington, D. C.; F. M. Chapman, New York City; and Geo. L. Kaeding, San Francisco. The resignations of Miss A. F. Keefer and R. Kocher were accepted.

Article II, section I, as amended, was passed and accepted by the Southern Division. The amendment of Article III, section I was rejected.

Two communications were read, one from Mr. Kaeding, one from Mr. Bade. The following new members were proposed: Miss A. M. Brown, Pacific Grove; E. W. Nelson, Washington, D. C; A. K. Fisher, Washington, D. C.; J. H. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., by Mr. Fisher; E. Gifford, Alameda, by Mr. Cohen; C. W. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., and L. A. Fuertes, Ithaca, N. Y., by Mr. Kaeding; Jessie E. Butler, Pasadena, by Mr. Grinnell, and F. E. Newbury, Alameda, by Mr. Taylor.

Upon motion of Mr. Emerson, Mr. Thompson was appointed secretary for the remainder of the year.

After a short intermission, the following were nominated as officers for the ensuing year: President, H. R. Taylor: Senior Vice-president, R. B. Moran; Junior Vice-president, W. Earle Mulliken; Treasurer, J. Grinnell; Secretary, Chas. S. Thompson. After some discussion, it was decided to hold the annual meeting at the residence of H. R. Taylor, Alameda. The following program was presented: “Observations in Illinois during the Summer of 1902,” by Miss I. M. Eschenberg; “Clapper Rails,” by Mr. H. H. Bailey; “Nesting of the Pine Siskin,” by Mr. H. W. Carriger. Meeting adjourned until January ninth, 1904.


JANUARY. The annual meeting was held at the residence of President H. R. Taylor, Alameda, January 9, 1904. There were eighteen members and eight visitors present, among the latter, Mrs. J. E. Barlow. Nine new members were elected, as follows: E. W. Nelson, Washington, D. C., C. W. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., Miss J, F. Butler, Pasadena, A. K. Fisher, Washington, D. C., J. H. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., E. W. Gifford, Alameda, L. A. Fuertes, Ithaca, N. Y., F. E. Newberg, Alameda, and Miss A. M. Brown, Pacific Grove.

Five applications for membership were read: P. B. Peabody, Sundance, Wyo., and J. L. Childs, Floral Park, N. Y., being proposed by Mr. Grinnell, Miss Anna Wiebald, Oakland, by Miss Swett, C. W. Lute, Haywards, by Mr. Emerson. and Vernon Bailey, Washington, D. C., by Mr. Fisher.

The following officers were elected to serve during 1904. President, H. R. Taylor; Senior Vice-president, R. B. Moran; Junior Vice-president, E. Mulliken; Treasurer, Jos. Grinnell; Secretary, Chas. S. Thompson. Walter K. Fisher was appointed editor-in-chief of THE CONDOR, with J. Grinnell and R. E. Snodgrass as associates.

Mr. Emerson, in a few well-chosen words, congratulated Mr. Taylor on his reelection, voicing the sentiments of the Club. Mr. Taylor replied, and outlined his policy for the coming year. The following program was presented. Mr. Anderson read an interesting paper entitled “A Bird Island in Cook Inlet, Alaska,” and Mr. Emerson entertained the assembly by a lecture on “Adaptations in the Bills and Feet of Birds.” Mr. Emerson’s lecture was illustrated by a fine display of bird skins.

After the program a vote of thanks was tendered the editors and manager of THE CONDOR for the able manner in which the paper had been conducted during 1903. The meeting adjourned, to meet in Oakland, March 5, 1904. All present then did ample justice to the bounteous spread which had been provided by the host, Mr. Taylor.


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