Some New Bird Records from Brewster County, Texas
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Some New Bird Records from Brewster County, Texas.-Field work carried out in western Texas in the past several years has revealed the presence of four species which were not reported from Brewster County by Van Tyne and Sutton (Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. No. 37,1937) or subsequent workers. Specimens supporting these observations are deposited in the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection.
Pwabuteo unicinctus. Harris Hawk. Lone individuals were seen by Wallmo 11 and 13 miles southeast of Marathon, on March 4, 1953, and May 1, 1953, respectively. Several observations of Harris Hawks were made by Wallmo in 1953 and 1954 northwest of Hovey in areas of Pecos and Jeff Davis counties immediately adjacent to the northern border of Brewster County. A male was taken by T. D. Moore 10 miles northwest of Hovey, Brewster County, in Pecos County, on October 11, 1954.
Eugenes fulgens. Rivoli Hummingbird. Dixon took one male in Boot Spring Canyon in the Chisos Mountains, at approximately 6800 feet elevation, on July 21, 1955, and a second male on July 26. Both were in a canyon bottom forest of Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) , bigtooth maple (Acer grandidentatum) , and Graves oak (QaercUS gravesii) , which was also inhabited by the Blue-throated Hummingbird (Lampor& clemenciae). The Rivoli Hummingbird has not been recorded in Texas heretofore, although Miller (Condor, 57, 1955: 165) reported its presence in the Sierra de1 Carmen of Coahuila, Mexico, some 50 miles southeast of the Chicos Mountains.
Toxostoma rufum. Brown Thrasher. Wallmo took a male 12 miles south of Marathon on December 3, 1954.
Zcterzrs galbula. Baltimore Oriole. On June 20, 1955, Dixon took a male in heavy brush surrounding a small pond 5 miles south of the Black Gap, in southeastern Brewster County, at 2800 feet elevation. This apparent first-year bird had a heavy deposit of subcutaneous fat and its left testis measured 5 x 8 mm.-KEITH L. DIXON and O. C. WALLMO, Department of wildlife Management, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, Texas, November 30,1955.
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Recommended Citation
Dixon, Keith L. and Wallmo, O. C.
"Some New Bird Records from Brewster County, Texas,"
Condor: Vol. 58
, Article 15.
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