
Notes and News


The Condor

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The Cooper Ornithological Society will participate in the summer meetings of the Pa&c Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Pasadena, California. A program of papers is being arranged by Thomas R. Howell for the afternoon of June 22, 1955.

The American Museum of Natural History has announced the establishment of The Soutbwestern Research Station. It is located on the eastern slope of the Chiricahua Mountains, near Portal, Cochise County, in southeastern Arizona. The property is within the limits of the Coronado National Forest at an elevation of 5400 feet.

The station was established for the purpose of making available research facilities for students in all branches of science, who have problems that can be investigated through the utilization of the fauna], floral and geological features of the area. It will be open during the entire year. Anyone interested in the station should write to Dr. Mont A. Cazier, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York 24, New York, for the booklet which gives the details of the operation and a general description of the area.

The business manager of the Cooper Society has provided a new attractive Life Membership Certificate for members of this category.

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