
Notes and News


The Condor

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The Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society is scheduled for April 21 to 23, 1955, at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California. The Committee on Arrangements appointed by the Board of Directors is as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Anderson, E. Laurence Curl, W. I. Follett, Elmer E. Highley, Junea W. Kelly, Eric C. Kinsey, Ken Legg, T. Eric Reynolds, Robert K. Selander, Laidlaw 0. Williams, and John Davis, Chairman.

The color plate in this issue shows a group of Central American tanagers drawn by Don. R. Eckelherry. It was first reproduced as the frontispiece of Alexander F. Skutch’s Life Histories of Central American Birds, Pacific Coast Avifauna number 31, in March, 1954.

We learn with regret of the death of Arthur Cleveland Bent on December 30, 1954. Some years ago Mr. Bent arranged with James Lee Peters, at that time President of the Nuttall Omithological Club, to have that organization sponsor preparation of the remaining Life Histories should such action prove necessary. More recently, Mr. Bent had the Club appoint Wendell Taber as Chairman of a committee to carry out that task, and in May, 1954, he turned his work over to the committee. Members in addition to the Chairman are: Mrs. A. C. Bent, Alfred 0. Gross, William G. F. Harris, Frederick C. Lincoln, Robert A. Norris, Christopher M. Packard, and Lawrence H. Walkinshaw. Contributions of material and photographs’will be welcome as before and may be sent to the most convenient member of the committee. It is hoped the volume on the Icteridae will go to the printer in the spring of 1955. Preparation of manuscripts for the first of the three volumes on the Frhrgillidae, extending up to the towhees, is far advanced. No change in format is planned.

In conjunction with part 4 of James P. Chapin’s “Birds of the Belgian Congo” there appeared a Gazetteer for the birds of.the area. This Gazetteer, of about 100 pages, is available as a separate in protective paper covers from the Department of Birds at the American Museum of Natural History, New York City; cost $1.00.

This document is currently not available here.
