
Starling in Southern California

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Starling in Southern California.-The Starling (Sturnzu vulgaris), although previously recorded from California at Tule Lake, Siskiyou County (Jewett, Condor, 44, 1942: 79) and at Death Valley (Bolander, Condor, 49, 1947:85), has not heretofore been reported in southern California. On December 5, 1946, Harold Wilberg, an employee at the State Game Farm at Chino, San Bernardino County, fired into a flock of Brewer Blackbirds (Euphugus cyamocephaJw) which was feeding near the bird pens at the game farm. Upon examining the dead blackbirds, Wilberg noted that one individual differed from the rest and called it to the attention of a fellow employee, Edwin Miller, who recognized the bird as a Starling. The specimen, an adult male (L. A. Museum no. 20584)) was turned over to the museum by state game warden A. L. Stager and thus constitutes the first record of this introduced genus for southern California.--KENNETH E. STAGER, Los Angeles Museum, Los Angeles, California, April 22, 1947.

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