
The Hammond Flucatcher in the Willamette Valley, Oregon

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The Hammond Flycatcher in the Willamette Valley, Oregon.-While identifying some birds from the Warner and Cooke collection taken in the Willamette Valley over fifty years ago, 1 found an adult male Hammond Flycatcher (Empddonaz hamm.ondii) bearing the label “Warner and Cooke-Clinton T. Cooke, 1342-Salem, Marion County, Oregon, April 28, 1891.” So far as known this is the first and only known specimen of this flycatcher collected west of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon. It also constitutes the ea,rliest spring arrival of hammondii in the state. Ouiearliest previous spring date of arrival as published in the “Birds of Oregon” (1940:396) was a specimen collected in Baker County in the northeastern part of the state on May S.-STANLEY G. JEWETT, Portland, Oregon, July 8,1946.

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