
Some Waterfowl Nesting Records from Vicinity of Redlands, California


Harold M. Hill

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American Pintail (Dafila acuta tzitzihoa). A female and her brood of small young were seen on Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, August 5, 1937. The female was observed several times at close range as she flew back and forth in front of me in an effort to distract my attention from her young.

Cinnamon Teal (Querquedula cyanoptera). A female with young was seen at some smallponds near Lorna Linda in the summer of 1935.

Ruddy Duck (Erismatura jamaicensis rubida). Two broods were seen in the summer of 1936 at Fisherman's Retreat, south of Redlands. I was told that a pair nested there several years ago.

Wilson Snipe (Capella delicata). About a dozen were seen August 5, 1937, in a small marsh on Bear Lake, San Bernardino Mountains. Two or three birds acted as if they had nests or young, and one nest containing egg shells from which young had hatched was found. Mr. Wilson C. Hanna checked the identification of the egg shells.

Redlands, California, September 19, 1937

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