Official Minutes Northern Division
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The Division met at Palo Alto March 8, President Grinnell presiding and fourteen active members present. Five visitors were present. The following were elected to active membership in the Club; Dr. R. F. Rooney, Auburn; Leverett M. Loomis, San Francisco; Murray M. Watson, Pacific Grove and Frank J. Smith, Eureka.
Eight proposals for membership were filed, as follows: Frederick W. Kobbe, San Francisco; Geo. H. Ready, Santa Cruz; Lee Nims, Pacific Grove; Hubert O. Jenkins, Stanford University; Alice M. Jenkins, Stanford University: Wm. G. Renwick, Claremont: Clarence S. Sharp, Escondido; Wilson C. Hanna, Colton.
The resignations of Henry C Johnson, Harry B. Torrey and E. B. Towne were read and accepted. The programme of the evening was then taken up. Fred H. Fowler spoke on “Reminiscences of Arizona Birds,” dealing with field work in the Huachuca Mts., with Dr. A. K. Fisher some years ago. Many anecdotes served to make the talk peculiarly interesting. Mr. H. W. Fowler of Philadelphia read a paper entitled “Ornithology of Philadelphia” covering the progress of ornithology in that city and referring to its present active workers. Ralph Arnold detailed the “Nesting of the Dwarf Hermit Thrush” in the Cascade Mts. of Washington, and Joseph Grinnell spoke on “The Parasitic Gulls of the Pacific Coast”, exhibiting skins and various plumages of the jaegers of the coast and interestingly outlining their piratical tendencies.
The Club meets next on May 3 at Berkeley.
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Recommended Citation
Barlow, C.
"Official Minutes Northern Division,"
Condor: Vol. 4
, Article 15.
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