The Rocky Mountain Pigmy Owl in Montana
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On the morning of February 11, 1937, near the campus of the State University of Montana, I saw a peculiar bird fly into a clump of firs, which upon investigation proved to be not one but two birds, one alive, the other dead. The living one was a Rocky Mountain Pigmy Owl (Glaucidium gnoma pinicola). Clutched in its talons was a Junco, probably Shufeldt Junco (Jumco oreganus shufeldti). All attempts to make the owl drop its prey were unsuccessful. In looking up the food habits of this owl, I found references to its feeding on sparrows, quail, insects, and mice but no reference to the Junco. Consequently, I assume this to be a new record or at least an unusual instance of the feeding habits of this bird.
Missoula, Montana, February 25, 1937
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Recommended Citation
Castle, G. B.
"The Rocky Mountain Pigmy Owl in Montana,"
Condor: Vol. 39
, Article 24.
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