
The Mongolian Plover and Other Birds at Goodnews Bay, Alaska

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The United States National Museum has just received a further small contribution of birds from Mr. D. Bernard Bull of Goodnews Bay, Alaska. The three birds were all collected at Goodnews Bay.

Charadrius mongolus mongolus. Mongohan Plover. An adult male was collected on June 10. 1933. This constitutes the fourth locality record for North America, the other three being from Choe Peninsula, where two were taken in 1849, Cape Prince of Wales, June 11, 1922, and Nunivak Island, where, in August and September, 1927. Mr. C. G. Harrold collected two and saw a few others.

Aphriza virgata. Surf Bird. One male, August 12, 1933

Brachyramphus brevirostris. Kittlitz Murrelet. A female was collected on June 21, 1933. It has the abdomen more heavily barred with dusky than any of the few other specimens in the United States National Museum. The locality is of interest as this bird has been reported rarely north of the Aleutian Islands. However, in view of the paucity of northern data, this may not have any very definite significance.

United States National Museum, Wacshington, D. C., November 28, 1933

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