
The Bridled Titmouse near Tucson, Arizona


A. H. Anderson

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In view of the scarcity of published records of the occurrence of the Bridled Titmouse (Baeolophus wollweberi annexus) below the oak belt in Arizona, the following may be of interest. On October 2, 1932, at 11:26 a. m., two of these birds were seen in my front lot, three miles west of Old Fort Lowell and about a quarter of a mile south of Rillito Creek, elevation approximately 2400 feet, Pima County, Arizona. They were traveling west and were observed in a mesquite tree at a distance of thirty feet through 8x binoculars. The surrounding district consists chiefly of small scattered farms interspersed with areas of creosote bush and a few mesquite and catclaw trees. Close by is the dry Rillito Creek bed with its border of mesquite and a few cottonwoods and desert broom in the bottoms. A mile to the north is the wide alluvial fringe of the Santa Catalina Mountains with giant sahuaro, palo Verde and cholla.

Tucson, Arizona, November 19, 1932

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