Summer Record of the Cedar Waxwing in Yosemite Valley
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During early June, 1927, a member of the Nature Guide field party reported having seen a bird near Clark's bridge, Yosemite Valley, which when described fitted best the Cedar Waxwing. Mention of this fact brought out the further information that Mrs. Frank Ewing, a resident of the Valley, had seen a Cedar Waxwing in her yard about Jun. 5 or 6, 1927. A day or two later a Cedar Waxwing which had become soaked with oil from one of the mosquito controlled pools was brought to the Yosemite Museum. On June 8, four birds were seen by Donald McLean near the Superintendent's office in the new village, and the next few days probably the same four birds spent their time in the cherry tree not far distant. Cherries were just starting to ripen at the time. So far as I have been able to ascertain, this is one of the first summer records for this bird for the Valley floor. Grinnell and Storer (Animal Life in the Yosemite) record a Cedar Waxwing in the higher mountains during the fall migration.
Berkeley, California, March 30, 1928
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Recommended Citation
Bryant, H.c.
"Summer Record of the Cedar Waxwing in Yosemite Valley,"
Condor: Vol. 30
, Article 13.
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