
Fifth Record of Harris Sparrow in California

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During December of each year I operate a bird banding station at Encinitas, San Diego County, California. My traps are located in a small dry canyon about a quarter of a mile from the ocean and thirty miles north of San Diego.

On December 21, 1927, about 2 p. m., I caught a bird which was unknown to me and could not be identified from the books then available. It was associated with the members of a large flock of Golden-crowned and Gambel sparrows. I kept it in a cage until my return to Berkeley, and on January 14, 1928, I took it to the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, where it was definitely identified by Dr. Joseph Grinnell as a first-year individual of a Harris Sparrow (Zonotriehiu querda).

This is the fifth record of this species in California. Its band number is 569150, and it is at present a contented inmate of my aviary here in Berkeley.

1661 Posen Avenue, Berkeley, California, January 18, 1928

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