
The Monterey and Coast Hermit Thrushes at Pasadena

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The Monterey and Coast Hermit Thrushes at Pasadena.

In looking over a large series of thrushes collected about Pasadena, I find a specimen of HyZocichZa aonalaschkg verecmda described by Osgood, Auk, April, rgor, p. 183. It was taken at Bailey Flats in the Sierra Madre mountains ten miles north of Pasadena, at an elevation of about 6,000 feet on Oct. 23: 1896.

I also find four specimens of HyZoczclz- ’ Za aonaZaschk& slevini described by Grinnell, Auk, July, 1901, p. 258. Two specimens were taken April II, one on April 8 and the other April 25, all in 1896. Mr. Grinnells ’ Pasadena specimen was also taken in April (25th). He points out a probable line of migration from the fact that a specimen has been taken at one other point to the south of Pasadena, namely, Santa Margarita Island, Lower California. Another interesting fact connected with this migration is that the northward movement does not reach the vicinity of Pasadena until April, by which time the Dwarf Hermit Thrush (HyZocichZa aonalaschka) has departed ; in fact the latter are nearly all gone by the latter part of March.

FRANK S DAGGETT. Pasadena, Cal.

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