
Editorial Notes


The Condor

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The Tenth Supplement to the A. 0. U. Check-List appears in the July AZ& and ornithologists may again breathe freely, including also the describers of new subspecies, whose feathered idols have been relegated to that bourne whence they seldom return. But seriously speaking, the supplement contains numerous changes in nomenclature and a goodly array of new species and subspecies finds place upon the list. The list of non-accepted species and subspecies is surprisingly large, but one must feel it impossible to comprehend upon which certain characters one subspecies is accepted and another rejected. We note surprising action in the case of Pijilo _~USCUS caroh MCGREGOR, described LITHE CONDOR (I, 1899, p. II). Mr. McGregor subsequently pointed out that the type was a bird in freshlyacquired fall plumage, and that the alleged race should be relegated to synonymy (Pac. Coast Auifawza, 1901, p. IS), but instead has occurred the unfortunate action of giving the subspecies a place on the check-list. It is not, therefore, surprising that the lay ornithologist should marvel at the mysteries of our check-list.

An editorial in The Osprey for AMay comments upon the inaptness of the use of bird names as titles of magazines devoted to ornithology. This is a conclusion which every thinking person must have evolved who has endeavored to solve the relationship of Plautus impennis, of Botaurus lentiginosus-babitue of the marsh- or of our western Gymnogyps -proud and majestic though he may be- to the various magazines bearing these birds’ ccmmon and more euphonious cognomens. The association of any of these names with the magazines bearing them suggests nothing, and this being an age of progression, we shall expect to see our contemporary adopt its own sensible advice and head the reform movement. The editorial in question suggests such titles as The Wilsonia, The Audubonia, etc., as being properly applicable to the American bird magazine.

We had expected to present several halftones of interesting Galapagos bird subjects in this issue, but the latenrss of arrival of the expedition and consequent delay in developing the numerous negatives secured. precludes the appearance of the anticipated cuts until our September issue. Messrs. Beck and Adams will also contribute articles to THE CONDOR touching on the Galapagos fauna and their visit to that interesting spot,-Guadalupe Island.

We bow a gracious acknowledgment to Lieut. Jno. W. Daniel Jr., who recently attested his faith in THE CONDOR by enclosing a $5 bill, covering the current volume and four years’ advance subscription.

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