
Two Unrecorded Occurrences of the Richardson Pigeon Hawk in California

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In connection with certain work in progress at the Natural History Museum, Balboa Park, San Diego, California, it became necessary to study critically the pigeon hawks in the Museum collection, with the object of identifying specimens that were being placed on public display. The presence in the Museum collection of two specimens of Falco columbarius richardsonii not before recorded seems worthy of note, as this bird has to date but four authentic records from California. The birds are no. 368, collection of the Natural History Museum, female, Riverside, California, January 31, 1878, collected by Frank Stephens, and no. 360, collection of the Natural History Museum, female, San Diego, California, January 10, 1900, collector unknown, but from the collection of Frank X. Holzner, now deceased, who, at that time, was a local taxidermist. Both skins were sent to Dr. Joseph Grinnell for verification of the identification, and he in turn handed them to Harry S. Swarth, who confirmed the former findings. A specimen recorded as Falco columbarius richardsonii by Henry Grey (Condor, XXVII, January, 1925, p. 37), taken “about the end of September, 1916”, and “now in the Museum in Balboa Park”, is a mounted bird that was originally identified by Frank Stephens. Mr. Stephens is now convinced that this specimen is the commoner form, Falco columbarius columbarius, and not Falco columbarius richardsonii.

Natural History Museum, San Diego, California, December 4, 1925

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