
Sparrow Hawk Captures Swallow


Paul Bonnot

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On April 26, 1921, at Stanford University, California, the following observation was made on a Sparrow Hawk (Falco sparverius). A number of Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon Zunifrons) were building, or repairing, their mud nests on the north side of the museum just under the eves. The hawk was about one hundred yards away on the top of a young redwood tree. While we watched him he sailed gently down to one of the swallow's nests, passing over a group of about fifteen people, supported himself with one foot, hanging nearly upside down in the meantime, inserted the other foot into the nest, and extracted its owner. The captured bird was an adult Cliff Swallow. The nest was not very deep, and the opening was large. The swallow was building up the broken opening when attacked.

Stanford liniversity, California, April 28, 1981

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