
Sage Thrasher in Los Angeles Co, California


H. S. Swarth

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In Mr. Grinnell’s “List of the Birds of Los Angeles Co.” this species (Oroscoptes montanus) is recorded as a rare straggler from the desert, on the strength of a pair of birds taken by myself near San Fernando on March 13, 1897. At the time these were taken no others were seen and I naturally supposed that they were but accidental visitants. Since that date I have seen them several times in the same locality, and believe that they will be found to be of pretty regular occurrence in the county if looked for at the right time of the year. On Jan. 25, 1899 I secured three specinlens and saw at least a dozen more, and on March 21, 1900 I saw a single bird but failed to secure it. All the birds seen were exceedingly wild, and as they are not at al1a conspicuous bird, they may very easily be overlooked.

Los Angeles, Cal.

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