
Official Minutes of Northern Division


C. Barlow

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The Annual Meeting was held at the home of C. Barlow in Santa Clara, Cal., Jan. 6, with an attendance of sixteen. The following papers were read: “Casual Observations on a Colony of Black-crowned Night Herons,” by D. A. Cohen; “Woodpeckers of the Upper Salinas Valley,” by Chas. S. Thompson; “Nesting of the California Clapper Rail,” by Ernest Adams; “A Neglected Point Concerning the Picide,” by Jos. Mailliard; “A History of My Life, by Chondestes grammacus strigatus,” by W. I,. Atkinson. A paper on the “Summer Home of the Varied Thrush,” by Jos. Grinnell of the Southern Division was read.

Mr. Cohen gave the annual report of the treasurer. The election of officers for 1900 resulted as follows: President, W. Otto Emerson: Vice President, Theodore J. Hoover: Secretary, C. Barlow; Treasurer, Donald A. Cohen.

The president appointed the incumbent editorial force for 1900, as follows: Editor-in-Chief, C. Barlow; Associate, H. R. Taylor: Business Manager, D. A. Cohen. A Publication Committee for the publication of memoirs was appointed as follows for the Northern Division: Theodore J. Hoover, Richard C. McGregor, Jos. Mailliard, W. O. Emerson and C. Barlow. Chas. S. Thompson of Stanford University, Chas. A. Nate of Santa Clara, E. H. Skinner of San Jose and Lloyd T. Stephenson of Vinton were proposed for active membership. A resolution of thanks to Mr. Lyman Belding for the donation of two volumes of Alaskan Ornithology to the Club, was passed. A bill of $4.10 for postage was allowed the secretary.

The meeting repaired to the dining room, where, between courses, the annual address was delivered by the president, Mr. Emerson.

The Division meets March 3 at the home of W. Otto Emerson at Haywards.

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