
Bobolink Again Noted in Idaho


L. E. Wyman

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In the March-April, 1910, CONDOR, Mr. H. C. Tracy notes the occurrence of the Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) near Meridian, Idaho, a point about eight miles east of my home ranch. I wish to confirm the presence of the Bobolink in this section by my own observations. In July, 1909, at a place some seven miles west and two miles north of where Mr. Tracy noted the species, I saw a male in full nuptial dress performing his characteristic aerial gyrations close by the roadside, over an alfalfa field, doubtless for the benefit of the brooding female. The bird was scarcely twenty yards away and could not possibly be mistaken for any other species. This single specimen, however, is the only one I have seen in Idaho during a residence of two years.

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