Notes from Santa Barbara
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The western Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum bimaculatus) is a common summer resident in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, California. I secured a set of five eggs last summer and found several nests with young.
Wilson Phalaropes (Steganopus tricolor) stayed around here a good deal this fall. I saw a pair on July 22, three together on August 3, and a pair on September 8; one of the latter was shot. They all stayed around for some time; but these three dates must certainly have been for different birds.
I first saw the Pectoral Sandpiper (Pisobia maculata) this fall on September 8, and collected one on September 9.
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Recommended Citation
Bowles, J. H.
"Notes from Santa Barbara,"
Condor: Vol. 13
, Article 12.
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